School meals

This is one of those dreams I have every once in a while. Yes I’m dreaming of food again, this time the food bar is in a very large room with many tables and chairs. Imagine a school dining room or a large corporate dining room. We are talking canteen style, a rectangle arrangement of tables providing food. There are 3-4 staff assisting with serving, though most of the time you serve your self. You can be sure my favorite dish has gone and I have to choose an alternative. Can’t remember sitting with anyone?

This type of dream often co insides with a working day at a company I use to contract too 10 years ago. I know I’m not a full time member of staff there, but seem to be assisting with a large project. I’ve been here many times in the past, my desk and computer change positions each time I visit.

School and a Hotel

This dream was a combination of a secondary school building and a hotel.
Long corridors with rooms to the right and left, big room at the end of the corridor.
Quite a number people I’d not meet before, mainly women. I remember hopping into a large lift, a very large lift, seemed it was the executives lift. I’m sure I was at the top of the building.